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milf_viktoria's chat
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    • NAME: milf_viktoria
    • LAST SEEN: 2024-04-25
    • AGE: 38
    • SEX: female
    • LOCATION: Haven
    • LANGUAGES: en
    • FOLLOWERS: 189623 people following milf_viktoria


    milf_viktoria is a mom who deserves to be treated like a queen. She is one of those moms that guys always have a crush on. You know you always had the hots for your best friend's mom. That's who this cam girl is, and she's even wilder than what you're friend's mom is. You'll understand just how crazy she can get when the live cam is turned on, and she's being her naughty self. Time has a way of flying when you're all alone with a Milf who seems to only be focused on what makes you happy.

    She likes to show plenty of skin while also trying to start up a conversation. Sometimes it's hard to find the focus to talk to such a sexy perfectly aged woman, but somehow, you've got to find a way to do it. You want to learn what makes this precious mom tick so that you can discover what type of person she is on the inside.

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    milf_viktoria's last month daily activity

    milf_viktoria's summary for the last month

    • Total sessions:30
    • Private sessions:5
    • Free chat sessions:25
    • Days online:20
    • Average daily time:3h 44mins
    • Longest free chat session:4h 51mins
    • Average free chat time:2h 59mins
    • Total free chat time:3d 2h 27mins
    • Longest private chat session:18mins
    • Average private chat time:17mins
    • Total private chat time:1h 21mins

    milf_viktoria's summary for the last 3 months

    • February Total time: 2d 20h 43mins Total Free Chat time: 2d 19h 46mins Total Private Chat time: 57mins
    • March Total time: 3d 3h 48mins Total Free Chat time: 3d 2h 27mins Total Private Chat time: 1h 21mins
    • April Total time: 2d 17h 15mins Total Free Chat time: 2d 15h 24mins Total Private Chat time: 1h 51mins