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arikajoy's chat
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    • NAME: arikajoy
    • LAST SEEN: 2024-04-25
    • AGE: 99
    • SEX: female
    • LOCATION: Latvia
    • LANGUAGES: en
    • FOLLOWERS: 818602 people following arikajoy


    Happiness is never in short supply when you're talking to arikajoy. She is the type of cam girl who absolutely knows what a guy wants to see. She is always decked out in eye-popping outfits. The outfits she wears are as sexy as they are naughty. A little eye candy isn't what she dishes out when on live cam. She also has the sweetest voice ever. Just hearing her talk will send shivers down your spine. If seeing and hearing her isn't enough, then there's how much she cares about everyone.

    Somehow she's able to make a man feel like he's the only guy in the world. She does it by genuinely caring about what's going on in your life. She is the girl that every guy dreams about coming home to after work. She allows you to open up and talk about whatever is on your mind while also not being afraid to make sure you're satisfied in every way a cam girl can.

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    arikajoy's last month daily activity

    arikajoy's summary for the last month

    • Total sessions:88
    • Private sessions:23
    • Free chat sessions:65
    • Days online:28
    • Average daily time:6h 29mins
    • Longest free chat session:8h 20mins
    • Average free chat time:2h 48mins
    • Total free chat time:7d 13h 19mins
    • Longest private chat session:2h 32mins
    • Average private chat time:30mins
    • Total private chat time:11h 20mins

    arikajoy's summary for the last 3 months

    • February Total time: 5d 20h 30mins Total Free Chat time: 5d 14h 40mins Total Private Chat time: 5h 50mins
    • March Total time: 8d 0h 39mins Total Free Chat time: 7d 13h 19mins Total Private Chat time: 11h 20mins
    • April Total time: 4d 10h 2mins Total Free Chat time: 4d 1h 28mins Total Private Chat time: 8h 34mins