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bluexstacey's chat
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    • NAME: bluexstacey
    • LAST SEEN: 2024-04-21
    • AGE: 38
    • SEX: female
    • LOCATION: Australia
    • LANGUAGES: en
    • FOLLOWERS: 263504 people following bluexstacey


    Bluexstacey is so incredibly down to earth that it's shocking. She seems like the girl who you wish lived next door. It's easy to say that the reason why she is so appealing is because of her appearance. Sure, she's hot, and there's no denying that. The lure of getting to know someone like her is that she's always trying new stuff. This cam girl loves to put on different costumes and dazzle her audience.

    A girl would rarely offer herself up unvarnished the way she does. At no time do you ever feel like you're talking to someone full of themselves. She seems like the type of girl that you'd sit next to on a couch at a party. You can't help but feel an instant connection with her. The sparkle in her eyes shines the brightest when she smiles. Do your best to make her smile, and she is sure to light up your life with those pretty sparkling eyes of hers.

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    bluexstacey's last month daily activity

    bluexstacey's summary for the last month

    • Total sessions:16
    • Private sessions:5
    • Free chat sessions:11
    • Days online:3
    • Average daily time:6h 50mins
    • Longest free chat session:6h 26mins
    • Average free chat time:1h 52mins
    • Total free chat time:20h 28mins
    • Longest private chat session:28mins
    • Average private chat time:20mins
    • Total private chat time:1h 38mins

    bluexstacey's summary for the last 3 months

    • February Total time: 18h 19mins Total Free Chat time: 18h 9mins Total Private Chat time: 10mins
    • March Total time: 22h 6mins Total Free Chat time: 20h 28mins Total Private Chat time: 1h 38mins
    • April Total time: 23h 45mins Total Free Chat time: 23h 24mins Total Private Chat time: 21mins