- NAME: candy_lovee6
- AGE: 26
- SEX: shemale
- LOCATION: Antioquia, Colombia
- FOLLOWERS: 1407 people following candy_lovee6
candy_lovee6 has been logged in for 1 hours 37 minutes 14 seconds.There are now 4 users watching him.
With 1407 fans, his popularity is increasing fast on Cam69. If you 'd like to get to get to know him better, we have some more interesting data for you: he is into webcamming and private sessions. He communicates in Spanish; Castilian and he is 26 yo, but treat that with a grain of salt, as we are unable to confirm his actual age. Based on our data, he is primarily online on Thursdays. For the past month candy_lovee6 has had a number of 52 chats, reaching 21 days online. The mean free chat time is 2 hours 5 minutes 31 seconds , but he didn't have any private chat sessions. candy_lovee6 allocates around 4 hours 3 minutes 51 seconds online each day, which is incredibly nice. Last month he spent 4 days 12 hours 47 minutes online.
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Online minutes by hour
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Last month daily activity
Summary for the last month
- Total sessions:49
- Private sessions:2
- Free chat sessions:47
- Days online:20
- Average daily time:5h 18mins
- Longest free chat session:8h 21mins
- Average free chat time:2h 16mins
- Total free chat time:4d 9h 51mins
- Longest private chat session:32mins
- Average private chat time:18mins
- Total private chat time:35mins
Summary for the last 3 months
- December Total time: 5d 1h 4mins Total Free Chat time: 4d 23h 1mins Total Private Chat time: 2h 3mins
- January Total time: 4d 10h 26mins Total Free Chat time: 4d 9h 51mins Total Private Chat time: 35mins
- February Total time: 3d 23h 38mins Total Free Chat time: 3d 23h 0mins Total Private Chat time: 38mins