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debralee's chat
    + -
    • NAME: debralee
    • LAST SEEN: 2024-04-24
    • SEX: female
    • LOCATION: #proud to be #romanian
    • LANGUAGES: en
    • FOLLOWERS: 297339 people following debralee


    Blondes really do have more fun, and no one proves that point like debralee. What a total knockout this cam girl is. Not only does she have long flowing blonde hair, but this beauty also has a killer body on her. She always makes sure that the live cam captures as much of that body that no one can ever get enough of. That means not only do you get to see her pretty face, but you also get to see everything that makes her so sexy.

    The precious moments that you spend with this blonde bombshell will be with you forever. You can't walk away from her cam thinking anything other than how amazing she is. Every moment she is doing something so wildly filthy that it almost makes you feel guilty. You see, she is the type who knows how to put that incredible body of hers to good use. You will be amazed by the great lengths that she goes to ensure everyone watching is completely blown away.

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    debralee's last month daily activity

    debralee's summary for the last month

    • Total sessions:28
    • Private sessions:1
    • Free chat sessions:27
    • Days online:20
    • Average daily time:3h 30mins
    • Longest free chat session:4h 36mins
    • Average free chat time:2h 36mins
    • Total free chat time:2d 21h 48mins
    • Longest private chat session:6mins
    • Average private chat time:6mins
    • Total private chat time:6mins

    debralee's summary for the last 3 months

    • February Total time: 2d 11h 49mins Total Free Chat time: 2d 11h 41mins Total Private Chat time: 8mins
    • March Total time: 2d 21h 54mins Total Free Chat time: 2d 21h 48mins Total Private Chat time: 6mins
    • April Total time: 1d 22h 38mins Total Free Chat time: 1d 22h 38mins Total Private Chat time: 0mins