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litlle_flowers's chat
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    • NAME: litlle_flowers
    • LAST SEEN: 2024-04-24
    • AGE: 21
    • SEX: female
    • LOCATION: Luna
    • LANGUAGES: en
    • FOLLOWERS: 113512 people following litlle_flowers


    litlle_flowers is the type of princess who works so hard to make sure everyone is grinning from ear to ear. It happens so effortlessly for her, and it's so much fun to watch her in action. She likes to talk to everyone and make them feel at home. It's the most fun when she's beaming with joy, and her eyes light up. It isn't long before you know that something really spectacular is about to happen as she unleashes her wild side.

    The real satisfaction in knowing someone like her is that she can make you feel like you're the only person in the world. Having fun in public chat is what she loves to do, but sometimes you've got to take her into private. Someone as awesome as she is shouldn't be shared with everyone. It's okay to be greedy when you're in the mood to have the spotlight shined on you. Every day you work hard, and there's no reason why you can't enjoy the fruits of your labor with a succulent sweetheart like her.

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    litlle_flowers's last month daily activity

    litlle_flowers's summary for the last month

    • Total sessions:26
    • Private sessions:4
    • Free chat sessions:22
    • Days online:11
    • Average daily time:3h 34mins
    • Longest free chat session:4h 59mins
    • Average free chat time:1h 47mins
    • Total free chat time:1d 15h 11mins
    • Longest private chat session:26mins
    • Average private chat time:19mins
    • Total private chat time:1h 14mins

    litlle_flowers's summary for the last 3 months

    • February Total time: 1d 5h 37mins Total Free Chat time: 1d 2h 57mins Total Private Chat time: 2h 40mins
    • March Total time: 1d 16h 25mins Total Free Chat time: 1d 15h 11mins Total Private Chat time: 1h 14mins
    • April Total time: 1d 1h 5mins Total Free Chat time: 23h 30mins Total Private Chat time: 1h 35mins