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marysol83's chat
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    • NAME: marysol83
    • LAST SEEN: 2024-04-07
    • AGE: 38
    • SEX: female
    • LOCATION: en tu mente
    • LANGUAGES: es, ingles un poc portugues
    • FOLLOWERS: 141679 people following marysol83


    Sometimes a guy needs a cam girl like marysol83. She isn't like most in that she doesn't put up barriers between herself the viewer. What you see is what you get when she is on cam. It's refreshing since so many girls want to pretend to be someone they aren't. She has a quality to her that makes her like someone who you see every day. You stumble upon girls like her when you're out shopping, going to the coffee shop, or eating at your favorite restaurant. The difference is, you don't get to see those girls the way you get to enjoy her.

    She takes away all the varnish, and what's left is only herself. She isn't afraid of being who she is while on cam. You won't see her being over the top or trying to get attention by going out of her way to outrageous. She is a simple girl, and that means there is nothing in between you and her. The best way to get to know her is to stop by and say hello. Allow the conversation to flow and see where it goes. With a girl like her, you always know one thing is going to lead to another.

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    marysol83's last month daily activity

    marysol83's summary for the last month

    • Total sessions:33
    • Private sessions:1
    • Free chat sessions:32
    • Days online:13
    • Average daily time:6h 37mins
    • Longest free chat session:9h 30mins
    • Average free chat time:2h 42mins
    • Total free chat time:3d 13h 54mins
    • Longest private chat session:16mins
    • Average private chat time:16mins
    • Total private chat time:16mins

    marysol83's summary for the last 3 months

    • February Total time: 3d 18h 2mins Total Free Chat time: 3d 17h 25mins Total Private Chat time: 37mins
    • March Total time: 3d 14h 10mins Total Free Chat time: 3d 13h 54mins Total Private Chat time: 16mins
    • April Total time: 18h 42mins Total Free Chat time: 18h 42mins Total Private Chat time: 0mins