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novaharper Profile Image
  • NAME: novaharper
  • LAST SEEN: 2024-04-19
  • AGE: 31
  • SEX: female
  • LOCATION: Don't ask where, Texas
  • FOLLOWERS: 309983 people following novaharper


Novaharper is a buxom nerdy looking girl who is a total blast to be around. She is friendly, caring, and so amazingly generous with her time. She will sit there on live cam and talk your ear off. The entire time she's talking, you can't help but look at that gorgeous body of hers. She is attractive, and the curves make her even more so. It all somehow starts with her just being herself, and then it all morphs into something that is even so much wilder than that.

She will flick on the cam and then start to talk with everyone who comes her way. Before anyone knows it, she is doing something that stuns everyone in the room. It's like no matter how hard she tries, it's impossible to stir up a conversation when she's unleashing her sensuality onto everyone. If there were ever a good reason to be tame, it would be so guys can get in a word in edgewise.

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novaharper's last month daily activity

novaharper's summary for the last month

  • Total sessions:132
  • Private sessions:51
  • Free chat sessions:81
  • Days online:23
  • Average daily time:5h 17mins
  • Longest free chat session:5h 27mins
  • Average free chat time:1h 30mins
  • Total free chat time:5d 1h 21mins
  • Longest private chat session:1h 39mins
  • Average private chat time:27mins
  • Total private chat time:22h 31mins

novaharper's summary for the last 3 months

  • February Total time: 5d 23h 19mins Total Free Chat time: 4d 21h 54mins Total Private Chat time: 1d 1h 25mins
  • March Total time: 5d 23h 52mins Total Free Chat time: 5d 1h 21mins Total Private Chat time: 22h 31mins
  • April Total time: 4d 5h 21mins Total Free Chat time: 3d 11h 48mins Total Private Chat time: 17h 33mins