- NAME: sweetlight_pie
- SEX: female
- LOCATION: South Holland, The Netherlands
- FOLLOWERS: 1740 people following sweetlight_pie
sweetlight_pie has been available for 32 minutes 29 seconds.There are presently 2 users watching her.
With 1740 followers, her popularity is growing quickly on Cam69. If you 'd like to get to get to know her better, we have some more interesting data for you: she is into webcamming and private sessions. She speaks English. We don't know her age, because she chose to keep this information a secret. According to our records, she is mainly online on Thursdays. For the last month sweetlight_pie has had a number of 189 sessions, reaching 21 days on Cam69. The mean free chat time is 55 minutes 39 seconds , but she didn't have any private chat sessions. sweetlight_pie dedicates approximately 6 hours 18 minutes 42 seconds on Cam69 daily, which is extremely nice. Last month she spent 7 days 7 hours 19 minutes on Cam69.
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Online minutes by hour
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Last month daily activity
Summary for the last month
- Total sessions:147
- Private sessions:0
- Free chat sessions:147
- Days online:24
- Average daily time:8h 0mins
- Longest free chat session:7h 54mins
- Average free chat time:1h 19mins
- Total free chat time:7d 23h 59mins
- Longest private chat session:0
- Average private chat time:0
- Total private chat time:0
Summary for the last 3 months
- January Total time: 6d 19h 26mins Total Free Chat time: 6d 18h 39mins Total Private Chat time: 47mins
- February Total time: 7d 23h 59mins Total Free Chat time: 7d 23h 59mins Total Private Chat time: 0mins
- March Total time: 5d 3h 58mins Total Free Chat time: 5d 3h 58mins Total Private Chat time: 0mins