We think vivid_whit will be online in 2 days 18 hours 42 minutes. Loading most popular in the meantime
- NAME: vivid_whit
- LAST SEEN: 2025-02-03
- SEX: female
- LOCATION: Ontario, Canada
- FOLLOWERS: 626332 people following vivid_whit
The desire to be with someone as fantastic as vivid_whit is natural. She's a lot of fun to be around. It's not just because she's gorgeous and likes to get a little flirty on cam. No, if all that was the reason, she would be like every other cam girl out there. Something magical happens when she zeros in on a person. She can make a person feel like they are the only human on planet earth.
Somehow she can make a guy forget everything that's going on so he can focus on her. She comes to life in private. It's while in private she can spend all of her time and energy, making sure whoever she's with is happy. She is and always will be one of those girls who goes out of her way to make a lasting impression on the people she encounters.
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Last month daily activity
Summary for the last month
- Total sessions:25
- Private sessions:7
- Free chat sessions:18
- Days online:10
- Average daily time:3h 4mins
- Longest free chat session:6h 44mins
- Average free chat time:1h 43mins
- Total free chat time:1d 6h 40mins
- Longest private chat session:14mins
- Average private chat time:8mins
- Total private chat time:51mins
Summary for the last 3 months
- December Total time: 21h 43mins Total Free Chat time: 21h 4mins Total Private Chat time: 39mins
- January Total time: 1d 7h 31mins Total Free Chat time: 1d 6h 40mins Total Private Chat time: 51mins
- February Total time: 11h 5mins Total Free Chat time: 11h 5mins Total Private Chat time: 0mins