- NAME: xxx_jane_xxx
- AGE: 33
- SEX: male
- LOCATION: Europe
- FOLLOWERS: 218932 people following xxx_jane_xxx
Don't let the name fool you, xxx_jane_xxx is a guy. He's 100% male and ready to have a good time on his cam. What has driven this guy to broadcast himself all over the world? Well, he's the kind of guy who loves to have fun. The type of fun he enjoys always ends up being super naughty. Yeah, he's not going on live cam to chat it up and nothing else. It doesn't take more than a few minutes to understand that he is here to have some dirty fun. He's a man's man through and through. That means he knows what a guy wants.
There's no beating around the bush when it comes to what you want to see when he's broadcasting all of himself. He gets straight to the point and doesn't look back for a single second. Sometimes what you need more than anything is a guy who understands what you need, and he is just the person you're looking for.
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Last month daily activity
Summary for the last month
- Total sessions:108
- Private sessions:18
- Free chat sessions:90
- Days online:31
- Average daily time:5h 11mins
- Longest free chat session:4h 53mins
- Average free chat time:1h 47mins
- Total free chat time:6d 16h 13mins
- Longest private chat session:1h 12mins
- Average private chat time:19mins
- Total private chat time:5h 41mins
Summary for the last 3 months
- December Total time: 5d 21h 9mins Total Free Chat time: 5d 18h 7mins Total Private Chat time: 3h 2mins
- January Total time: 6d 21h 54mins Total Free Chat time: 6d 16h 13mins Total Private Chat time: 5h 41mins
- February Total time: 5d 16h 24mins Total Free Chat time: 5d 13h 1mins Total Private Chat time: 3h 23mins