- NUME: huntertiana
- SEX: female
- LOCALIZARE: Czech Republic
- LIMBI: en, fr, es, de
- FOLLOWERS: 1103880 oameni care urmăresc huntertiana
Huntertiana is a petite sweetheart who is as gorgeous as she is gentle. The soft-spoken cam girl makes no mistake about what she's here to do. No one is more focused or determined to put on a better live show than she is. Seeing this cutie in the flesh is what changes it for so many people. She has this attitude about her that is as sexy as her appearance. She loves to make sure that everyone who walks away from seeing her live feels as satisfied as she can make them.
For some girls, being on cam is all about them being the center of attention. For her, it's about so much more than that. What she wants more than anything is for everyone to be happy. She cares less about herself and more about the people who like to think of her as a friend. No one is more dedicated and loyal than she is. No matter if she's in public or private, she has a way of making everyone feel like the only person in her world.
Cameră live
Minute online pe ore
(convertit la fusul orar - America/New_York)Similar Camere de sex live
Activitatea zilnică din ultima lună
Rezumat pentru ultima lună
- Total sesiuni:74
- Sesiuni private:13
- Sesiuni gratuite de chat:61
- Zile online:19
- Timpul mediu zilnic:6h 16mins
- Cea mai lungă sesiune de chat gratuit:7h 30mins
- Timp mediu de chat gratuit:1h 57mins
- Timp total de chat gratuit:4d 22h 53mins
- Cea mai lungă sesiune de chat privat:55mins
- Timpul mediu de chat privat:25mins
- Timp total de chat privat:5h 23mins
Rezumat pentru ultimele 3 luni
- ianuarie Timp total: 4d 2h 58mins Timp total de chat gratuit: 3d 22h 58mins Timp total de chat privat: 4h 0mins
- Februarie Timp total: 5d 4h 16mins Timp total de chat gratuit: 4d 22h 53mins Timp total de chat privat: 5h 23mins
- martie Timp total: 8d 3h 46mins Timp total de chat gratuit: 7d 20h 3mins Timp total de chat privat: 7h 43mins