Noi credem că shy_jane va fi online în 3 days 4 hours 30 minutes. Încărcarea celor mai populare între timp

- NUME: shy_jane
- ULTIMA VEDERE: 2025-03-26
- SEX: female
- LOCALIZARE: in front of you :)
- LIMBI: en
- FOLLOWERS: 861652 oameni care urmăresc shy_jane
Even though her name is Shy Jane, she isn't shy at all. She maybe seems like a girl who won't do much in her shows, but besides that pretty face and slender body, she hides a wild side that can be seen in her private shows. You can get to know her in the beginning while she sits on the bed and does nothing but talk to you.
However, you'll be surprised by things you'll see in her private shows because she isn't afraid to masturbate for her fans. Jane only has 22 years, but that doesn't mean she is inexperienced. This is definitely one of the girls who know how to masturbate and turn on everyone who joins her shows. It will take her a minute or two to unveil some skin, but after that, she'll do some things you can't even imagine.
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Activitatea zilnică din ultima lună
Rezumat pentru ultima lună
- Total sesiuni:7
- Sesiuni private:0
- Sesiuni gratuite de chat:7
- Zile online:5
- Timpul mediu zilnic:3h 40mins
- Cea mai lungă sesiune de chat gratuit:8h 40mins
- Timp mediu de chat gratuit:2h 37mins
- Timp total de chat gratuit:18h 16mins
- Cea mai lungă sesiune de chat privat:0
- Timpul mediu de chat privat:0
- Timp total de chat privat:0
Rezumat pentru ultimele 3 luni
- ianuarie Timp total: 17h 54mins Timp total de chat gratuit: 17h 54mins Timp total de chat privat: 0mins
- Februarie Timp total: 18h 16mins Timp total de chat gratuit: 18h 16mins Timp total de chat privat: 0mins
- martie Timp total: 1d 3h 33mins Timp total de chat gratuit: 1d 3h 33mins Timp total de chat privat: 0mins