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sunshine1818club's chat
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    • NAME: sunshine1818club
    • AGE: 99
    • SEX: female
    • LANGUAGES: en
    • FOLLOWERS: 286135 people following sunshine1818club


    A bright raw of sunshine is who sunshine1818club is. She is a busty blonde babe who doesn't understand how gorgeous she is. Girls who have no idea how beautiful they are tend to put on the hottest shows. She thinks that she has to work harder to keep everyone entertained since, in her mind, she isn't as good looking. Her hard-working mentality is excellent news for anyone who loves to sit down and chat with voluptuous blonde girls.

    She is willing to go the extra mile to put a smile all over your face. Sometimes it's okay for a man to enjoy the beauty and presence of a woman. Though, there's so much more to her than what the eyes can see. She takes things to a whole new level when she allows her personality to shine. She wants nothing more than to be the girl you go to when you need a little excitement in your life. No one works harder to make sure you're completely satisfied in every way a cam girl can.

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    sunshine1818club's last month daily activity

    sunshine1818club's summary for the last month

    • Total sessions:39
    • Private sessions:0
    • Free chat sessions:39
    • Days online:31
    • Average daily time:4h 19mins
    • Longest free chat session:5h 14mins
    • Average free chat time:3h 26mins
    • Total free chat time:5d 13h 42mins
    • Longest private chat session:0
    • Average private chat time:0
    • Total private chat time:0

    sunshine1818club's summary for the last 3 months

    • March Total time: 5d 13h 42mins Total Free Chat time: 5d 13h 42mins Total Private Chat time: 0mins
    • March Total time: 5d 13h 42mins Total Free Chat time: 5d 13h 42mins Total Private Chat time: 0mins
    • April Total time: 6d 8h 57mins Total Free Chat time: 6d 8h 57mins Total Private Chat time: 0mins